解决方案搜寻 技术支持

negative voltage on multiple output flyback results in 1 turn???

Posted by: rcuplin on
when using PIXls designer for a three output flyback (6v@.3A, 18v@.1A, and -18@.1A--negative output on 3rd output) the result indicates using 1 turn for the -18 in both the transformer parameters and transformer construction. Even when I change the 3rd output to +18, the result still gives 1 turn. Is this a glitch??


Attachment 大小
TinySwitch-III Design1.pdf 18.19 KB


Submitted by PI-Chekov on 08/20/2008

Yes just confirmed that this is a bug. The number of turns are calculated correctly on the first tab (titled PIXls Designer), but are incorrect on the next two tabs (Transformer Parameters and Transformer Construction), showing up as 1 turn. For the time being use the turns from the first. I'll forward to the s/w team and have it corrected in the next update.

Couple of attached screen shots illustrate.

